About CGCI
Who are we? “CGCI” is shorthand for “California Garden Clubs, Inc.” We were organized December 5, 1931 and admitted to membership in National Garden Clubs, Inc., Pacific Region Garden Clubs, Inc. on December 5, 1931. The organization was incorporated in California May 18, 1936. We are the largest nonprofit, volunteer gardening organization in the state of California with over 300 garden clubs, plant societies, affiliates and youth groups representing more than 15,000 members.
CGCI Board of Directors
Bylaws, Standing Rules & Policies
Minutes Archive
Clubs and Districts sponsor courses in horticulture, environmental education, safe & efficient gardening, flower arranging, flower show judge accreditation and landscape design.
CGCI and member organizations annually offer college scholarships.
Individual organizations offer programs and speakers on a variety of topics; hold flower shows and garden tours; and sponsor many youth gardening activities.
CGCI promotes conservation of natural resources and environmental awareness through projects like Black Point Historic Gardens.
CGCI members have planted millions of trees through Penny Pines, protected hundreds of acres via the Sempervirens Fund and spread wildflower seeds along miles of highway and open space.
The collective energy and force of the large membership of CGCI enables the members to lend significant support to many projects throughout the state.
CGCI members reach out to our neighborhoods supporting public gardens, parks and playgrounds, directing and commending civic beautification projects.
We are part of a nation-wide project establishing and maintaining Blue Star Memorials, Gold Star Families Memorials and by-way Markers
We sponsor outreach programs for youth, the aged and garden therapy patients, and encourage civic development, and community service.
CGCI offers member organizations an umbrella of support and training through its Member Benefits & Services and general administrative guidance.
National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC)
President: Brenda Moore
50 states and National Capitol Area
6000+ clubs
International affiliates
over 200,000 individual members
Pacific Region Garden Clubs, Inc.
Director: Carol Norquist
8 states: Washington, Arizona, California, Oregon, Nevada,
Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii
California Garden Clubs, Inc. (CGCI)
President: Carol Vallens
26 districts
200+ Clubs, Affiliates & Youth groups
50+ Associate Plant Societies
15,000+ members
YOUR District
YOUR Garden Club!
Your President should attend all District meetings.
- Each District is led by a District Director.
- Districts hold several meetings each year and District officers, chairmen and club presidents are expected to attend. They may include programs, speakers or tours.
- Every member of your club is welcome to attend.
- It is a wonderful way to get to know the activities and projects of neighboring clubs.
Your District Director is expected to attend all CGCI (state) meetings.
- CGCI meets three times a year: at Fall and Winter Board Meetings and the annual convention.
- Club Presidents and individual members are welcome to attend all state meetings and encouraged to attend the annual convention.
- Presidents of clubs and APS or their appointed alternates have voting privileges at conventions.
- Information from CGCI Chairmen and District Directors is presented. Following each meeting, the information is distributed to the clubs by the District Directors and/or posted online.
The CGCI President attends the Pacific Region Convention and the National Garden Clubs Fall Board Meeting and annual Convention.
- The president brings national and regional information and ideas back to the state.
What can I do?
- Get involved…make the commitment to be a part of the bigger picture.
- Participate in your district: attend meetings and events.
- Attend a CGCI Convention or Board Meeting.
- Volunteer for a chairmanship or serve on a committee at any level.