Locate Organizations by District or City
Search for member organizations by District and Club
- Click on the box in upper left corner of Organization Locator
- Select an area, North, Central, or South (for garden clubs) or Associate Plant Societies
- Click on the “down arrow” at left of District names
- Districts are listed by the number of member organizations (highest to lowest)
- Member organizations are listed in alphabetical order within each District
- Associate Plant Societies (Z-APS) not affiliated with a district are listed in alphabetical order
- To view specific information about an organization:
- Scroll down and Click on an organization name; The organization’s information will be displayed at left of map
- The map pin associated with the selected organization will be highlighted with white circle on the map. Click on the pin and zoom in or out to view specific map information.
- Or click on any pin on the map and the organization’s information will be displayed at left of map, zoom in or out to view specific information
- NOTE: To enlarge or reduce the map, place curser on map and scroll in/out