Golden Legacy Society

Chairman:   George Perko,

Golden Legacy Society logo


In 1931, Mrs. Leonard B. Slosson had the foresight to understand that California s natural beauty and its botanical and horticultural heritage and possibilities had to be encouraged and expanded by harnessing the efforts of kindred spirits in a new organization: California Garden Clubs, Inc. (CGCI).   Since that time, thousands of enthusiasts have been devoted to the development of all phases of gardening and floral design, the betterment and beautification of the community, the protection and conservation of our natural resources, and the exchange of information and ideas.   You have inherited this legacy, and through your support of CGCI, you have shown just how much you value that legacy.
  • What if there was a way to transform your annual support into an enduring legacy — a way to support the work of CGCI not just for today but for decades to come?
    • A bequest in your will or the designation of CGCI as a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets will do just that.
    • These gifts, funded after your lifetime, can ensure that the same values expressed by your annual support will be conveyed to future generations.
  • CGCI has already established two Endowment Funds – one for scholarships and one for the overall organization – both are vehicles that help in this quest.
  • In 2011 CGCI established the Golden Legacy Society.
  • Bequests and gifts of retirement plans assets offer significant benefits to you:
    • They cost you nothing now
    • There is no minimum donation”every gift makes a difference
    • You can make loved ones and CGCI your beneficiaries
    • You can change your beneficiaries at any time”you are not obligated by a decision you make today
    • You may remain anonymous or, by sharing your decision with other CGCI supporters, inspire others to take a similar step