Youth Activities

CGCI Youth Coordinator:   Lisa Cosand

We have been helping to support youth gardening groups in California with leadership, knowledge, supplies, awards and scholarships since 1931. girl planting flowers
  • We know what it takes to create great gardens.
  • We know what it takes to raise great kids.
  • We are building programs that introduce young people to gardening, conservation, protection of wildlife, recognition of plants, trees and shrubs, basic flower arrangements, and a love and appreciation of nature.
  • The goal is to help teach youth to be responsible and capable citizens with greater self-expression, dignity, integrity and knowledge of their environment.
    In addition to the educational programs offered there are fun things like contests and awards.
  • Earn recognition, pride and a few dollars for your youth gardeners.   Check the tabs or go to the CGCI Awards Program for complete details.    

The deadline for all Youth entries, including Pollinator Poster Contest is December 1
EXCEPTION: Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster contest – DEADLINE January 24
Note:    NGC/CGCI Release for Publication and Website  form should be filled out and signed by the parent / guardian and kept on file by any Garden Club that takes pictures of children for use in publicity in any media format, including Newspapers, Newsletters, Websites, etc.  Release form

Youth Garden Clubs pay no dues

Youth New/Renewal Form

There s something for every age group
Ecotots (pre-school-K)
Junior (1st “ 6th grade)
Intermediate (7th “ 9th grade)
High School (9th “ 12th grade)

Youth groups can be organized in schools, churches, recreational and after-school programs, Scouts, 4-H, FFA, FHA, Campfire, and similar groups.


Each category of youth gardeners

    • must be sponsored by a CGCI federated garden club or District
    • must be registered annually with both appropriate CGCI and NGC chairmen
    • have all privileges of CGCI except the right to vote and hold office

Sponsors are encouraged to work directly or indirectly with the youth group in one or more of the following:

    • Leadership, teaching talent, financial support, or any other help to effectively provide and assist in carrying out a quality youth gardening program.
    • Assist leader in applying for awards, compiling books of evidence, and individual honors at State, Regional and National levels to bring recognition to the sponsor and California Garden Clubs, Inc.
    • Maintain close contact with the youth leader so that the youth group gets information on awards, grants and materials shared at CGCI Fall/Winter board meetings and conventions.
    • Sponsoring Club or District is required to submit an Annual Renewal form due by June 1.
Bay Bridges El Cerrito El Cerrito High School Community & Memorial Garden Project
Cascade Anderson Valley Monarch Learning Center
Channel Islands Conejo Valley Aspen Elementary School junior 120 students
Bridges Elementary junior 100 students
Ladera Elementary junior 400 students
Weathersfield Elementary junior 150 students
Mariposa Elementary junior 200 students
Sequoia Middle School Intermediate 100 students
Diablo Foothills Walnut Creek Muirwood Elementary School, Rio Vista Elementary School
Palms to Pines Idyllwild Idyllwild School, grades K-5, 4-12 children per meeting
Palomar Poway Valley Monterrey Ridge Elementary- 200
Painted Rock Elementary-300
Chaparral Elementary-200
Design 39 Elementary-200
Abraxas High School-200
Sacramento Valley Clarksburg Delta Elementary Charter School (DECS)…Community Garden, Grades 1-6
Sequoia Foothills Garden Club of Porterville Hope Elementary School
Valley Lode Foothill FGC Youth Garden Group

Youth Contests

Details and submission instructions for the following are available starting on Page 49 of the 2024 Awards Manual

  • Smokey Bear/Woodsey Owl Posters
  • Sculpture
  • Poetry
  • Pollinator Posters
  • Essay