Board of Directors

CGCI’s Board of Directors is the group of individuals elected by the member organizations empowered to carry out the business of the organization and the tasks spelled out in the CGCI Bylaws.

    • Officers (elected every two years at the CGCI Annual Convention)
    • District Directors (elected by their individual districts)
    • Chairmen of Standing and Special Committees appointed by the President and ratified by the Officers and District Directors at the post-convention meeting in odd numbered years.
    • Members of the Advisory Committee, Board of Trustees, Governance Committee, Nominating Committee, and Circle of Poppies (Honored recipients of the Circle of Poppies Award are privileged to be members of the Board as long as they desire)
As the governing body of this corporation, the board of directors shall:
    • at no time modify action taken by members at the annual convention,
    • transact routine business,
    • adopt policies and procedures,
    • adopt standing rules, and
    • ratify all classes of membership.
The President and President-Elect are required to travel to National Garden Club, Inc. and Pacific Region Garden Club meetings. A special travel stipend is allocated in the CGCI budget for this purpose.
CGCI Board members do not receive a salary.
There is no compensation apart from a small administrative expense itemized in the budget for specific chairmen and district directors. it is usually $50-$100
All expenses associated with attendance at state meetings are the responsibility of the individual board member.
NOTE:  Expenses incurred while attending CGCI meetings and conventions may be tax deductible as volunteer expenses.  Please check with your tax advisor to determine if you qualify.
Every member of the CGCI Board of Directors is a dedicated and hard-working volunteer who is motivated by his/her devotion to gardening and/or the desire to contribute to the community. CGCI is, indeed, lucky to have such wonderful and able people willing to serve.

Executive Committee 2023-2025

  President Carol Vallens
  1st Vice President Adele Kelly
  2nd Vice President Marlene Kinney
  3rd Vice President Nina Blonski
  Recording Secretary Gail Vanderhorst
  Corresponding Secretary Shirley Lipa
  Financial Secretary Rita Desilets
  Treasurer George Perko
  Parliamentarian Greg Pokorski
  District Directors & Committees  
Board members are expected to attend the regular meetings of the Board of DirectorsRegular meetings include but are not limited to the adoption of policies, procedures and standing rules and ratification of all classes of membership.
When:  Three times per year: 
Pre-convention and organizational meeting (immediately following convention) and post-convention meeting held in odd-numbered years. 
The post-convention meeting is held in an election year and is for the purpose of ratifying appointments of parliamentarian, appointed chairmen and new members of the board of trustees. 
Fall Board (September):  District Directors and Committee Chairmen present plans and goals. 
Winter Board (January/February):  Mid-year reports from Officers, District Directors and Chairmen.
Officers, District Directors and Chairmen are expected to attend
Any member of CGCI is welcome but permission for guests to attend should be obtained from the president. 
NOTE:   Post-convention meeting – Executive Committee and District Directors only.
Voting Membership:  One (1) vote each:  Executive Committee, District Directors, CGCI Committee Chairmen, members of committees specified in Article VII of the bylaws ONLY. 
Club presidents and members may attend but have NO VOTING privilege.
Length:  Usually 2-3 days including pre-board committee meetings and activities (tours or other special events).
Dress:  Casual or business dress.
When:  An annual meeting held before the end of the fiscal year (June 30) to conduct the business of the organization, including but not limited to: election of officers (odd-numbered years) review/approve budget, review/approve proposed bylaws revisions, year-end reports of officers, District Directors and Committee Chairmen.
Attendance: Any member of CGCI. Guests are welcome.
All general business meetings, meals, workshops/tours are open to anyone, subject to space availability
Some committee meetings may be “closed” (only committee members may attend)
Voting Membership: One (1) vote each: Executive Committee, District Directors, CGCI Committee Chairmen, Club/Associate Plant Society presidents (or alternates) and official delegates (or alternates) of member clubs and plant societies.
Length: Usually four (4) days including pre- and post-convention meetings and activities (tours or other special events)
Special Events/Activities:
Tours to local garden-related attractions, workshops, youth luncheon and banquets.
Awards Banquet features the presentation of awards and commendations.
Design Banquet (sponsored by the local Judges Council) includes a program by a well known floral designer.
In odd-numbered years an Installation Banquet to honor newly elected officers is held the final night.
Dress: All daytime activities are casual or business dress. Evening events are business dress or “semi-formal” depending on the type of event and the location.
NOTE: All commercial venues have standard, central temperature control and may not be comfortable for everyone. Bring a wrap or dress in layers…be prepared for any eventuality
Following is a summary of the most pertinent general rules governing Conventions and Board Meetings.  A complete set of rules is published in the programs for each event.
  • Voting:  Voting membership is defined in the bylaws and summarized above
  • Reports:  Oral reports are limited to four (4) minutes unless otherwise announced.
  • Motions:  Where practical shall be submitted in writing and sent to the president prior to placing the motion before the voting body.  No issue shall be debated without first being placed on the floor by a motion that has been seconded.
  • Debate:  Attendees wishing to speak shall rise, be recognized by the president and state his/her name and official capacity.  If there is an issue involved, the member/delegate shall speak NO MORE THAN TWICE ON THE SAME ISSUE, except for the proponent of the motion who may speak a third time to close debate.  Speakers are allowed one-two minutes each.
2023:  A new/updated Procedures manual for Chairmen will be available later this year
If you are required to submit a report at convention or a board meeting, please follow these guidelines.
Submit three copies of your report. 
Full length copy to the CGCI President and Golden Gardens Editor
100 word summary to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the minutes
Summary: avoid repeating long titles, unnecessary dates, “greetings and salutations”.
Do not rely on the Recording Secretary to condense a long report.  He/she does not know what is most important to you. 
Where possible send to the recipients prior to the meeting.
ALL reports are to be typed and those sent to the Recording Secretary MUST be EMAILED.
Your report should be about the activities of your chairmanship or of your district. 
District Directors: it is not necessary to report on every club at each meeting but try to include each club in at least one of your reports during the year or focus on a special activity of one of the clubs.
Think about what you are reporting and who will be reading it. 
Re-read it carefully to assure it correctly conveys your thoughts and that it does not rely on “insider” information that may not be generally available to the readers.
All reports should be clearly identified with your name and position.  A suggested heading for reports is:
CGCI Winter Board 2014
Mary Jones Workshop Chairman
Oral reports, as a rule, are limited to three minutes.  Practice giving your report aloud and time yourself.
Are you nervous?  Most people are, especially when they are standing before a large group. 
Do you have trouble keeping your place when reading your report? 
Tip:  Always double space. 
Is your one sheet of paper limp?  Tip:  Clip it to a folder or tablet. 
Look up once in a while.  You don’t really need to make eye contact with anyone, just present your face and not just the top of your head. 
If the microphone is not at the right height, don’t hunch over, raise it up, or you may need to lower it to a comfortable height.
Information/Guidelines for above Forms

CGCI Board members can order a Name Badge with the CGCI Logo.
A “swinger” with your board position is also available.