Completing the Application Form

One form serves all three Life Memberships (CGCI, PRGC or NGC) but you MUST select which Life Membership option you want where indicated on the Application Form.

When you select (click on) the appropriate option, a section will open at the bottom of the form providing details on donations and mailing instructions.

  • Life Membership Donation levels: CGCI – $100; PRGC – $75; NGC – $200
  • Life memberships may be purchased by individuals, organizations or districts to honor a member or individuals may purchase their own.
  • Complete the form at right.
    • Print TWO copies: one for your records and one to mail with check. (To reduce print size, go to print settings/scale and select “fit to printable area”)
    • Send completed applications and checks to the address listed on the application form.
    • The electronic form will automatically go to the CGCI Chairman for tracking purposes.

Life Memberships

Chairman: Linda Travis,
Honoring Our Members and Supporting the Scholarship Program

(This is a NEW FORM. PLEASE DO NOT use any of the old forms)
List of Life Members


First/Last Name
Club Name
(Scroll down to select)
Name of club, district, or individual
Person submitting request
PRINT FORM (Print TWO copies, ONE to mail and ONE for your file, before clicking on Submit)