Membership & Dues

Garden Club graphic Membership Chairman: Nina Blonski


There are many reasons to join an individual garden club…
meet people, learn new things, have FUN, and “give back” to your community, network with people in your own community and throughout the state to share ideas and knowledge about gardening, landscape design, floral design, environmental safety, conservation, improving our communities, helping our youth and so much more.
But did you know that your organization can also benefit?
As a member of CGCI your organization becomes a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC) and its Pacific Region Garden Clubs, Inc.  ($1.00 of the $2.75 CGCI dues per capita goes to NGC).  With eight regions, 50 state garden clubs and the National Capital Area, 70 national affiliated organizations within the United States, nearly 300 international affiliated organizations around the globe combined with about 6,000 member garden clubs and almost 200,000 members; NGC is the largest volunteer organization of its type in the world.

Member clubs and associate plant societies may be eligible for one or more of the following:

  • the Awards program sponsored by NGC, Pacific Region and CGCI
  • CGCI’s Liability Insurance and/or the CGCI Group Tax Exemption Program (GTEP)
  • Educational opportunities through the NGC Schools series
  • Life Memberships to recognize and honor special members AND support the Scholarship Program.
  • Many FREE services including website link on the CGCI Website, an online calendar for posting of special events and activities, promotional and educational materials, online newsletters and much more.
  • Go to Member Benefits for complete details.

By District or City

  • Your organization not a member?  Go to the Join CGCI tab for complete description of types of membership and procedures for becoming a CGCI member organization.
  • No garden club in your area?  Why not start one:  Go to the Start a Club tab for information and procedures on how to organize a local club.  And we will help you!
Review the Membership Classes (see list below) and select the one applicable to your organization
Clubs & Associate Plant Societies:
  • Complete and submit the NEW Membership Application Form (Available under the Forms tab)
(NOTE:  DO NOT submit a “Dues Form.”  The Application Form contains all of the information required.)
  • Send completed Application Form with check for dues payable to CGCI to the CGCI Membership Chairman as listed on the form.
  • Upon receipt of application the following will be forwarded to the organization’s president:
    • A welcome letter, CGCI Directory and a variety of free promotional materials
    • Membership cards:
      • Clubs: one for each paid individual member.
      • Associate plant societies: one card for their records (may receive individual membership cards upon request)
    • Club and Associate Plant Society presidents will be added to the electronic mailing list for Golden Gardens, the official publication of CGCI and WACONIAH, the official publication of Pacific Region Garden Clubs.
    • The organization will be presented for ratification at the state board meeting or convention following the application date. These meetings are usually held in September/October, February and June.  Following ratification the organization will be entitled to representation at the next convention.
  • NOTE:  New clubs and associate plant societies joining CGCI between January 1 and June 30 shall pay one-half of of the annual dues for the period up to June 30
  • Complete and submit the Request for application form (Available under the Forms tab). 
  • Upon receipt of the request form, the organization will be contacted by the CGCI Membership Chairman
  • If eligible the Membership Chairman will send a membership application
    • Submit the application along with check to the chairman
    • Affiliates will receive one membership card for their records.
    • The president will be added to the electronic mailing list for Golden Gardens eNews, the official publication of CGCI and WACONIAH, the official publication of Pacific Region Garden Clubs.
Any garden club, plant society or other organization having one or more of the objectives of CGCI shall be eligible for membership providing no sectarian, racial, or political test for membership is required.  Bylaws of each membership class shall not conflict with the bylaws of CGCI.  No commercial enterprise or agency shall be eligible for membership.

  • pays annual dues of $2.75 per capita AND must belong to a district*, is entitled to representation at annual meeting by its president or alternate, and delegates,
  • is eligible to participate in the Awards Program and, if qualified, apply for CGCI liability insurance and the CGCI Group Tax Exemption Program. (NOTE: your application form and initial dues payment MUST be received by the Membership Chairman before you can apply for general liability insurance or the Group Tax Exemption Program)
Associate Plant Society (APS):
  • is a member of a permanent statewide or national plant society; pays annual dues of $2.75 per capita and is entitled to representation at annual meeting by its president or alternate, and delegates,
  • is eligible to participate in the Awards Program and, if qualified, apply for CGCI liability insurance (NOTE: your application form and initial dues payment MUST be received by the Membership Chairman before you can apply for insurance)
  • is NOT eligible to apply for the CGCI Group Tax Exemption Program.
  • may also belong to a district. (separate district dues may apply) and may join as a club, APS, or affiliate.
  • is an organization with one or more of the objectives of CGCI and has a membership of at least ten members; pays annual dues of $50 regardless of size,
  • is NOT eligible to apply for liability insurance and/or Directors & Officers insurance, awards program or the CGCI Group Tax Exemption Program
  • may also belong to a district. (separate district dues may apply)
Life Members:
  • CGCI Life memberships are honorary, non-voting memberships with a one-time fee of $100.
  • The proceeds from CGCI Life Memberships support the scholarship program.
  • There are also life memberships available for Pacific Region and NGC.
  • A Life Membership does not relieve a club from paying state dues for CGCI life members

Youth Gardeners:

  • Each category of youth gardeners shall be sponsored by a garden club or district, registered annually with CGCI and the members shall have all privileges of CGCI except the right to vote and hold office.
  • All categories of youth gardeners shall pay no dues to CGCI.
Circle of Poppies:
  • Established in 2005 to honor those who have given extraordinary length of service to CGCI. Membership confers an ex-officio position on the Board of Directors which includes all privileges: voting, making motions, and holding positions but without the obligation of attendance. Nominees to the Circle must be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at any meeting. (See Bylaws, Article XVl)
Membership dues to NGC, including dues for youth gardeners, and dues to Pacific Region shall be paid annually from the general fund.

  • The state is divided into 28 geographical districts.
  • As a member of CGCI, a club must be a member of its local district and support the district by paying district dues. (dues vary by district).
  • It is through the district that clubs get together, grow together, exchange ideas, cooperate to achieve mutual goals and much, much more.
It’s easy and we can help you!
Do you know a few people who may be interested in learning about gardening, floral design, landscape design and more? Perhaps your community could use some sprucing up. A garden club may be for you! It’s not difficult to start a new club. The CGCI Membership Chairman has an arsenal of resources available to help you and can put you in touch with people close to you that may be able to help. CGCI has over 80 years of ideas, suggestions and tools that have helped other people get new clubs up and running and grow successfully. The information below is just a start.
Review the procedures below and then…
Contact the CGCI Membership Chairman:
Procedures for Forming a New Garden Club
  • Contact prospective members
    • Set a convenient time and place and invite interested friends and neighbors for the purpose of organizing a garden club.
    • Garden club members in the area should be invited to attend to speak on the benefits of a garden club, especially a federated club
    • These members should be acquainted with the state organization in order to answer questions.
  • First Meeting
    • On the meeting day, the one who invited the interested persons will either serve as the temporary chairman or appoint another.
    • The temporary chairman will, in turn, ask someone to serve as temporary secretary.
    • The guest garden club members in attendance should explain the objects of federated garden clubs, the responsibilities and benefits including the amount of dues paid to the State Garden Club, and to National Garden Clubs.
    • At some point, after the discussion, the group will decide whether they wish to form a society and either by unanimous consent or by formal vote, the decision is made to organize and become federated.
    • The temporary chairman appoints a bylaw committee and the date for another meeting is set.
    • This bylaw committee should be provided with a copy of the bylaws of the State Garden Club so as not to be in conflict.  For guidelines on preparing bylaws see Sample Bylaws below.
  • Second Meeting
    • After the call to order by the temporary chairman and the reading of the minutes by the temporary secretary, the bylaws are presented, debated and adopted.
    • A recess is taken for those present to become members by signing a paper (chartermembers) and the payment of dues as outlined in the bylaws.
    • The next business would be the nomination from the floor and the election of officers.
    • After the election, the President takes the chair and the Secretary records the minutes of the meeting from that point on.
    • Such necessary business of the new society may be transacted which may include a notification to perhaps a District Officer of their desire to become a federated club.
  • Sample Bylaws
    • Article I – Name Full and complete
    • Article II – Object: Check State Garden Club bylaws for suggested objectives – encourage interest in all phases of home gardening and promote civic beautification, conservation of natural resources, etc….
    • Article III – Membership: Types of membership; how to apply, any restrictions; what vote to be admitted and by what body; dues, when payable, when delinquent, when dropped for non-payment, reinstatement.
    • Article IV – Officers: Names of officers; qualifications; how nominated and elected (Nominating Committee); term of office and when term begins; can serve more than one term or not; duties of officers.
    • Article V – Meetings: Regular and annual meetings, what day of month for how many months-, special meetings and how they are called including notice time; quorum.
    • Article VI – Executive Board: Members; how much power; meetings; quorum.
    • Article VII – Committees: Standing Committees named and appointment procedure; how special committees can be formed and by whom. President, board and/or assembly.
    • Article VIII – Parliamentary Authority: Name of a reference book such as Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised to govern the proceedings in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and standing rules.
    • Article IX – Amendments: How bylaws can be amended – 2/3 vote with previous notice.
    • Article X – Dissolution: Procedure for dissolving based on the rules of the State Garden Club and/or state law.
  • Sample Standing Rules
    • After the organization has been established, there will be a need to adopt standing rules which may be adopted by a majority vote at any meeting, amended by a majority vote with notice or 2/3 vote without notice and can be suspended for the duration of any meeting.
    • The time of your meeting should be a standing rule and not a bylaw.
    • Standing rules are related to the details of the administration of a society rather than to parliamentary procedure.

The above information is taken from a publication of by the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

NOTE: Regarding non-profit/tax exempt status….. If your club would be interested in applying for 501(c)(3) non-profit status under the CGCI Group Non-Profit Exemption plan, the IRS will require additional language. Go to Group Tax Exemption Program (GTEP) for details


Dues . . .are due & payable July 1 and become delinquent October 1
Questions:  Contact the Membership Chairman –
Clubs & Associate Plant Societies:
$2.75 per capita – See Dues form under Forms tab
Why July 1?
    • It is the beginning of the CGCI fiscal year.
    • Membership cards for clubs and APS that have paid dues to that point are delivered to the District Directors at the CGCI Fall Board Meeting
    • To ensure that your organization is not delinquent and in jeopardy of losing eligibility for insurance, group tax exemption and awards

The official delinquent date is October 1…but why wait?

    • If dues are not paid by October 1, organizations become ineligible to apply for CGCI’s liability insurance, the CGCI Group Tax Exemption Program (GTEP) or to participate in the CGCI awards program.  (Please refer to the insurance, GTEP and awards sections for eligibility requirements)
    • Clubs and APS: you do not need to wait until every renewing member is paid.  Submit an initial payment in July to avoid the possibility of missing the deadline.

What do we need to do?

    • Complete the Dues Form (as early as possible) Available under Forms tab
      • submit the form electronically.
      • send copy of the form with an initial dues payment covering the number of members paid to that point for the upcoming year.
      • make check payable to “CGCI” and mail to the CGCI Membership Chairman (as listed on the form)
    • For members joining after July 1 (or your initial payment)
      • submit periodic supplemental payments as the members pay their dues.
      • use the Dues Form (Available under Forms tab)
      • payments can be made monthly or quarterly, whichever is most convenient for you.

NOTE:  Starting with the 2025-26 club year, ALL contact information for Presidents and Treasurers will be submitted via forms in the NEW MEMBERS ONLY section.  Watch for details.
***If you have updates to your existing information (for 2024-25), please use the Contact CGCI form***