Contact Information Form

       Garden Clubs or Associate Plant Societies (APS)

Note:  When certain options are selected i.e., “Co-President”, additional data fields will open.

Organization Information

Type first letter of name to jump to that part of list then scroll down and click on the name
Scroll down and click on district

Contact Information

If TWO people share the office the title is CO-PRESIDENT (DO NOT list  Vice-President)
If TWO people share the office the title is CO-TREASURER 



Person submitting form
President, Treasurer, etc.
DO NOT MAIL this form.  It will automatically be delivered to the Membership Chairman.
CGCI official records are updated each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30)
(Note:  If your organization is on a calendar year, please complete this form as soon as officers are elected)
  • Per Article IX, Sec 1 of CGCI bylaws: Garden Clubs MUST belong to a district.
  • Associate Plant Societies that pay dues to a district are considered “Clubs”
To update after initial submission (change of email etc.) submit a Contact CGCI form