Home Projects Activities Photo Gallery
We have a variety of speakers at our monthly General Meetings to educate our members and guests on every aspect of gardening, including learning to appreciate and live with wildlife in our gardens. To find out about speakers for our current calendar year, please contact the Pinole Garden Club at P. O. Box 25, Pinole CA 94564-0025.
Art of Making Herbal Tea
Art of Seeing Nature
Bees and Flowers
Birds in the Garden
Care and Feeding of Roses
Containers and Color in the Garden
Daffodils Now and in the Future
Daylilies [Hybrids]
Dry Gardens
General Gardening
Historic Roses
Holiday Arrangements
Legal Home Cannabis Gardening
Mediterranean Garden
Paper Flower Artistry
Pruning and Maintaining the Garden
Richmond Seed Lending Library and Seed Saving
Winter Gardener
Winter Rose Care